centering the human voice

i cannot center the human voice coming out from my jmlab
electra 926 ??
they are placed in an irregular room with openings
i do not know how to place speakers!!!!
they are 5 foot from the front wall and about 6 foot apart
they were ok but the soundstage seems to shift to the left
despite i try different placements by trial and error

Showing 2 responses by mapman

"speakers do not have to be placed symmetrically in a room to sound right"

No doubt.
Can we assume the voices you are trying to center are recorded that way?

You should be able to locate a voice in the soundstage with certain quality recordings but no guarantee voices are always mixed in so as to occur in the center.

Your room may well be a factor in an unbalanced soundstage left to right but I think that would probably affect more recording elements and not be isolated to voices only.