Center placed equipment stands

Will I ever learn?  Just cut down the height of my Quadraspire Reference X equipment stand placed between the floor standers and again experienced better imaging.  Each time I do this it improves the imaging and overall sound.  Hope this helps others.

Showing 3 responses by davekayc

Pretty hard to have fancy pants cables that long. My rack is low and wide compared to my speakers .They are a few feet from the wall . Imaging is not an issue .  Systems have to be livable . I cannot feature having a set up that is a wall with treatments arranged in a pattern on the wall to stare at . I would much rather look at the gear .on the other hand it does make a good excuse to put your arm around someone to use the remote though .  

get a heavy set of floor to ceiling drapes . Fabric stores have millions of options for cheap. Slide your desk closer to the windows. Put your stereo rig in the closet. Place your speakers on either side of your work station. Just above the monitors. Set the two tall pads in the corner opposite  the windows. Keep the one between the door and closet . Place the other four on the wall behind your new seating position. Now you can at least continue programming while listening to tunes. Make the whole room a station. As opposed to a dual purpose set up. And i would probably lose those cubes and get a set of jbl 306p monitors. And some sort of dac. (Aune x1 perhaps ) sell the peach tree . 

what do you normally do for music ? My idea was to simplify your system while adding more than enough impact. Simply having a desktop dac such as the aune x1 and powered speakers would be plenty versatile and most assuredly blow the doors off your current set up . I’m sure it could be done for around  5 or 6 benjamins .