Center Channel needs to handle bass?

I'm doing some research on center channel speakers. I've pretty much decided on the Vandersteen 2Ce's for my mains. Those I was able to audition but the center channel I can't. In reading some reviews the reviewers state that the center channel only carries dialog and some background sounds but no serious bass. I have always believed that the center had to be able to handle deep bass because of onscreen carcrashes and such.

Does anybody have any opinions on this subject? I can't audition so I have to go by what I read.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

I don't think the center has to handle serious bass. It is mainly for diologue. The bass from car crashes or explosions should be routed, via the processor, to the subwoofer. Bass doesn't give directional clues, so you shouldn't be able to tell it's coming from the sub and not the center. I hope this helps.