Cedar Walton RIP

this just in about 1 hour ago. RIP.
Sad for me, Cedar Walton was one of my favorite jazz pianist. Unfortunately we're losing many great musicians of his generation. I'll be able to continue to enjoy his legacy via his recordings and the memory of seeing him perform live.
Agreed! My wife and I saw him at Columbia University about 23 years ago. He was stellar, as was the band. We saw the recently departed Mulgrew Miller as part of the same concert series. Great artists, both.
Truly tragic, a tragic day for music, the Giants are falling all around us !
Ask not for whom the bell tools...............
True, another giant gone. Experiencing his music live was a real treat. Along with Mulgrew, that's three within the last couple of weeks ... Marian McPartland, and George Duke. Hope the next generation carries on.
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