As I wrote earlier, I’m a reformed Armor-All user. The 1980s must have been a bull market for audio tweaks because besides the green pen and AA, I also followed a rumor that plain ol’ dishwashing detergent was another sound booster. I diligently washed every new CD I bought. Of all of the tweaks, I thought Dawn or Ivory Liquid or whatever my mother had on hand was the best of ‘em. But eventually I quit them all. My skeptical, cynical personality was forming—a career in journalism would solidify it—and I had no time for such unscientific antics.
Indirectly, however, I have continued to use dishwashing detergent. When one of my discs develops a skip, it makes a trip to the kitchen sink. After a good rubdown, 99 percent of the problems disappear.
(I’ve seen advice on this site that discs should be washed in a radial manner, starting at the center and moving outwards. I believe that this is an example of one of the core beliefs in audio: Whatever is the most trouble sounds the best. Vinyl instead of CDs, manual instead of auto, CD players that require two boxes instead of one. Trust me, the same thing happens no matter which way the sponge hits the disc.)
Anyway, I’m playing discs that have been coated in something like the way that buddyboy’s have. And they’ve always sounded better after a good scrubbing. Not enough to risk ridicule, not enough to overcome my inborn skepticism, but a nagging feeling that comes back whenever I wash a disc.
Maybe buddyboy has pushed me over the hump. Maybe he is providing me enough support to risk mockery. Besides, who has to know? It can be a secret between the Armor-All and me. And the small group reading this thread.
I think that AA will last longer than dish soap. One bottle will probably last a lifetime. Maybe tomorrow will be the dawning of a new era. I’ve been making upgrades for the past year and so many things I once thought were frauds have proved true. Speaker cables. Burn-in. The Super Black Hole was the leap over the moon. None of those phenomenon have been sufficiently explained to me but that hasn’t stopped any of them from being true. Buddyboy and I are leading a charge into a new world. Who’s with us? LET’S GO!
[Bluto charges from the room. No one follows.]