CDP with 2 sets of outputs?

Any cdp with ability to run 2 amps in a vertical bi-amp set-up.Prefer dual un-balanced outs but a mix of bal or un-bal
would be ok so as to expand choices.Sorry in advance if this is covered elsewhere.I tried searches with various ways of phrasing this question to no avail.Has any one tried this?Cables will be half meter.

Showing 3 responses by tobias

The Shanling CD-T100 CD player has 2 sets of outs that can be used simultaneously. One is tubed and the other solid state.
It sounds good in principle--output from the CDP directly into 2 amps in a biamped setup. No preamp. I'd like to know about such a system, if it worked. Some equipment is certainly better adapted to such a configuration. The Shanling T100 has 2 outs, as I mentioned, and the same company's SP-80 amps have built-in volume controls. At list prices of $1999 for the CDP and $2495 for a pair of amps... well, you might want to look for a cheaper solution.

I wonder though if it's what you really want. What in your system are you trying to change with this idea ? It seems to me to be one of those things that's doable but not necessarily the best way from here to there.

For example, I've found that the built-in volume controls on both Shanling units are best left alone, the player at max and the amps at -30dB. I control system volume from a preamp. The sound is clearly better that way. There are not a lot of built-in VC's that do better than this, and you have to pay for them.

Another thing is that two ordinary amps in biamping configuration just do not sound as good as one great amp. In most cases getting a second amp does not get you sound twice as good, unless your present amp is already giving you a very good part of the state of the art. As a general rule, I say first get the best preamp you can, then do the same with your amp, then look at biamping. Taking a different route is chancy. How do you think your system would be affected by an amp upgrade ( or a preamp upgrade ) which cost the same as the biamping idea ?
Aha, I wondered if this idea, while having a good deal of merit, was not also an attempt to use old-fashioned ingenuity to squeeze a pound out of a penny's worth ( to coin a phrase ). Very interesting to have the benefit of your experience and frankness--thanks!

I do like biamp setups and I know what you mean when you say they open up the sound in so many ways. This is something Linn upgrade paths allow for, and Linn too puts priority on a high-grade preamp before biamping. They'll do it the other way if you like, but I've listened both ways and I think they're right. I also agree with you when you say the preamp exerts a personality on the sound. It's hard to find a really good preamp.

Do keep us posted !