CDP voltage output...what does it mean to volume?

Hi, I have a Cary 306sacd which outputs 6vrms. Most other cdps I have seen outputs 1-3 vrms, usually 2 vrms. So what does this 3 time difference mean in terms of real world volume? If I was to get another cdp that outputs 2 vrms I assume the volume in my system would be lower but by how much? Would it be considerable?

Showing 2 responses by marlin38

I'm hoping to resurrect this thread after being dormant for 13 years.  I too am confused by output voltage from different sources and how it relates to volume.

I have a Parasound D/AC-1600 which states it has an output voltage of 6.0V through the balanced output.  My Theta Pro Gen Va has a stated output of 7.0V through the balanced outputs.  You'd think the volume of the Theta would be "louder" than the Parasound, right?  Well, it's not.

Through my Pass XP10 inputs 1 and 2 (both balanced inputs) when you switch back and forth, the Parasound is about 6 clicks louder on the volume knob (6 dB?).  I've had other DACs hooked to the balanced inputs that were lower output voltage, and they (as expected) were not as loud as the Parasound.  Could the specs be wrong on the Parasound?  Any other explanations?

Sidebar:  how cool would it be if you could preset the volume on your preamp to different levels by input so you could volume match different sources - does that exist?
Really?  Do you know which models had/have this?  I'm not a McIntosh guy, so the volume of gear they have is bewildering.