CD vs internet and DAC

can you achieve the same sound qualities out of a good DAC with a digital source like Tidal out of a computer as you can from a CD from a good CD player like a Krell Evolution 505?

the system would feed into a Krell HTS 7.1 (as preamp only), Aragon 8008, and ML SL3's.


Showing 1 response by oranfoster

Hello Sarge,
I've been streaming Tidal through a decent USB cable from a MacBook Pro, then to a Parasound ZDAC, then from its balanced outs to a Luxman L-550ax integrated. CD's play from an Oppo BDP 103. The Oppo is great but not maybe comparable to your Krell. Indeed, the calibre of you entire stereo may be a notch or two higher than mine, but yes...I find that streaming from Tidal, (or playing music from my MacBook using Pure Music) is at least as good as playing CD's. Often I'll cue up music on Tidal that I might already own on CD out of convenience.