CD Transports

Since CD transports just spin the discs, would I be justified in spending a lot of money on one, or buy a reasonably priced one (both units being well respected), and put the extra money into a more expensive DAC?

Showing 6 responses by bigkidz

I heard the Cambridge CXC and while it sounded nice it was far from the best transport I have used.  The Sim Audio I 5.3 CDP used as a transport sounded better.  An old Rega Apollo sounded even better.  The CEC Tl5100Z sounded even better.  The Audiomeca was better than all of them no matter what DAC we threw at them.  The transport made a difference in sound quality and listenability.  You have to hear them for your self.  To my ears the better DAC was more significant that the transport.

Happy Listening.

To me it all comes down to how something sounds in your own system.  Specs, measurements do mean something but I doubt my old Audiomeca measures as good as the Cambridge but in direct comparison, the Meca walks allover the Cambridge for pure musical enjoyment and sound reproduction.  The Lampy does have comments on the Meca on his website where he was modifying CDPs for transports and in the stock form he really liked the Audiomeca and also a Krell in stock form.  I bet neither of them measure like the Cambridge.  Go figure.

Happy Listening.

@twoleftears1 See  my post above. We also had the NuPrime used s a transport.  The results were that it had very nice detail, very open and a nice balance top to bottom but overall it is not what some would call musical.  It took away the fullness of say the piano or stand up bass so it was a trade off between the other CDPs we used as a transport or by themselves.  Happy Listening. 

"Sorry but the Jays cdt mkll cannot be beat at it's price range"

Well that may be your opinion but what have you personally compared that transport to?  In my experience my old CEC Tl5100Z had a much more musical presentation, bigger and deeper soundstage, with better mid-range for vocals, and instruments.  Using a high end Metronome that was over 15 years old was another example of a transport that the Jays CDT was not capable of sounding as good.  General statements to me are not that useful unless you have compared different units in the same systems and hopefully more than one system.  That helps other people seeking advice to have more knowledge to select a component for their own enjoyment and to understand the differences.

Happy Listening.

Joe, we used our DAC.  I would love to come by with Karl.  I would have to see when we are free to swing by.  We have bene really busy with our products so I will have to let you know.  Hope all is going well.

I did not buy the Jay Audio Transport to compare another, person in our group was looking for a transport. He was on a mission to try transports recommended I various audio site forums. First was the Cambridge and the NuPrime. Then an older Sim Audio with the Jay Audio. The Rega sounded the best overall (not in every area oh course) but was the one we all agreed presented the best sound or most musical. The older CEC TL5100Z used as a dedicated transport was above the Rega. Every system is different and everyone hears what they prefer in their own system which is good IMO.

Cavy, thank you for your input and detail. That to me is very helpful. IMO only, I would not say PS Audio. Levinson, Esoteric are musical sounding transports. The DAC that I build is used by a speaker manufacturer with an Esoteric as a transport because the Esoteric by itself does not sound musical although it is a very good sounding player.

I just a few days ago purchased an older Metronome Technologie T1A Transport with separate power supply (massive unit). It is way different sounding than anything I have heard before. Warmish sounding, but with excellent separation and placement. I am still trying to get a handle on it. I still prefer the Audiomeca but I am having issues with repairing the belt (actually a string on a spring) that works the transport mechanism. It is really pissing me off of all the crap designs.

Last point I will try and make. My friend who has a masters in electronics and my partner in building components, reviewed the scope of the waves on this thread. He said that unless the scope can show the shifts, it is not really measuring the jitter correctly. He said something about a resistor can make the wave square and something else about the DAC and how it re-clocks the input. So in his opinion which I hold in high regard, the scope is not really measuring jitter correctly. He did say that there is a machine that can measure the jitter correctly buy it is very expensive.

I almost forgot.  We had a little Olasonic NANO COMPO CD transport that I paid $400 for brandy new.  It held its own with all of the other transports in many ways.  I was not crushed but any of the above transports.  You can upgrade the little walwart which I did but I used the wrong voltage and fired the little sucker.  It you had just a few bucks to spend on a transport until you found something better, I would recommend trying one.
That’s all I have for today. Happy Listening.