CD Transport

I’m looking for a cd transport (my DAC is the Bricasti M1 S2). I’m considering this 3 options; Audiolab 9000CDT, Primare DD35 and Teac 701T.

Your opinions, please.

Thanks in advance for your help. 


Showing 1 response by stuartk


For those who feel CD transports do not sound different, I invite you to our listening room where we have Audiomeca Mephisto II,  Metronome, Marantz, Cary, and a bunch of streamers to compare with your own ears.

The crowd you're addressing is adamantly opposed to utilizing using those odd cartilaginous formations on either side of their heads for anything other than keeping their glasses from falling off their faces. If you ever read through threads on ASR, you'll encounter a cockiness and pervasive disdain for anyone who does not belong to their "hearing is not believing" cult. Clearly, these folks have a huge amount of emotional investment in the sense of superiority they derive from membership.