Cd storage / backup

Suggestions for backing up over 500 CD's that I own.
Love to sell them and free up alot of space in my home.
Would like to build as a library, easy look up, easy access.
Prefer to both play and burn from the device.
Idea would be to have this accessible via wifi in my home to play thru multiple systems.
Any thoughts??

Showing 1 response by sfar

Whatever you choose as a storage device have a second device of the same capacity as a backup. I helped manage personal computer systems for a large publishing company and part of that job was doing grief counseling for people who never backed up their work. It's not a question of whether a hard drive will fail, it's when it will fail. It will fail eventually.

My digital library is about the same size as yours would be, with the addition of a couple of thousand photographic images, and I have three backups. One is kept in a waterproof, fireproof safe that itself is inside a locked metal cabinet designed as a gun safe. Another is kept at my daughter's house. With an inexpensive program that does incremental backups, keeping current with the backups is a painless process.