CD/ SACD advice needed

Hi have a McIntosh system with a Mc CD player that has a hard time reading disks.  I'm thinking of adding an SACD transport and leveraging the nice DAC DA2 in my Mc integrated amp.  Can I buy a less expensive CD player like the Arcam CDS50 and expect excellent sound because of the Mc DAC?  Or would upgrading to a new Mac SACD/ CD player just sound alot better.  It would be using the same DAC in my integrated amp.



Showing 1 response by mahler123

The answer is simple.  If the DAC in the new player is better than the DAC in the DAC/Pre amp that you own, it will sound better, and if not, it won’t.  The devil is in the details.  Remember that if you are using the DAC in the CD/SACD player you must not use a digital connection to the amp, or otherwise you will be using the DAC in the amp