CD-R's suddenly "unreadable".

I've been listening to CD-r's on my CEC TL-1X without any problems for the past several years. Within the past few weeks the same CD-R's have become unreadable on this transport. Ocassionally, if I start the CD on a later track, say track 10, and work my way back to track 1 with the remote, it will read and continue to play.
The manufacturer of the CD-R's are from many sources including Sony, Marantz, IBM, etc.

I checked the laser for dust and debris and all seems OK.

Any Suggestions??


Showing 3 responses by rwwear

It's very easy to clean the laser with a cleaning disc or remove the cover and clean it with a QTip. Then try the other fixes if it doesn't help.
You should probably clean the laser. The pits are not as deep on CDR's and therefore are harder to read. My Sony is not supposed to play CDRW's but it does but it occasionally has to be cleaned in order for it to read them.
Seems like Maxell does cause more problems than most CDR's.
The Imation discs seem to work well and are cheap at about .30 each. I also like the Fugi's.