CD players with variable output/volume control

Hi - I am a single-source guy, and I want to run a CD player directly to my poweramp. I know there are some good units out there with volume controls on the remote, but I don't know of many. Here are the ones I know of:

Xindak Muse 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Xindak SCD-2
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000
Several Marantz units...

Any other moderately priced units out there? Am I crazy to want to do this? I hate preamps, especially when I only use them for the volume control...
Newmanoc: I appreciate your qualifiction. I am running a Prima MK II SE DAC direct into my amp and find it outstanding. It has a tube output linestage built in and sounds great. I have not yet made any direct comparsions with a linestage in the mix yet.
I like the Shanling CD-100. Not expensive about $2000 retail. Our store sells them for about $1700. Very very nice. Remote volume control. Stunning looks.
Great way to go ... shorter route ... I've used Wadia this way and now, too, with my Shanling SACD. I really like the Sbanling, and its playback with CDs seems every bit as good as with SACDs, maybe better.