CD-player upgrade to Network player + DAC

Hello guys,

I currently own an EMM Labs CDSAse player which has been true miracle for the past 10 years. However, time has come to upgrade to more recent technologies for convenience and o course better SQ. I am now contemplating the EMM Labs DAC2X v2 (used DA2 v2 is too expensive for me) and a streamer like Aurender N10. Do you have any recommendations for other streamers & dacs ? Also, how much better will a top streamer be as compared to my MacBook Pro as a source for the DAC (Also compared to the CDSA I currently own) ?
A good streamer will improve upon the MacBook Pro as a source. I started streaming with a MacBook Pro running Audirvana into my Anthem STR integrated amp. Wanting to upgrade, I briefly tried the Node 2i but ended up returning it as I liked the MacBook/Audirvana system better. I then tried a Bel Canto Stream and heard a major improvement. Added a W4S DAC-2DSDse and I’m content.