CD Player Tweak

After seeing an episode of Steve Gutenberg, and reading a multitude of experiences on the interweb, I’m planning on trying what might be the most common audio tweak in existence: Lining the inside of my CD player with $20 worth of dynamat. Praise for this tweak seems to be almost unanimous. Better sound for only pennies.

The thinking is that the dynamat deadens vibrations and that less vibrations equals better sound. That line has a certain surface appeal, it seems to make sense. But one question is nagging at me and I’m hoping to get an answer before I break out the screwdriver and void my warranty:

If this is such a good idea, so common sense-ical, and so cheap, why didn’t NAD (or whoever) do it first?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I have a couple of old stuffed frogs from Cost Plus that do the trick. At first I tried the short one (5") and it helped to flesh out the sound a bit. Adding the one with the long legs (15") attenuated the highs a bit much for my taste but made for nice midrange presence. 

I don't know what they're stuffed with but they're heavier than they look.

Removing the smaller one was the ticket. With the body of the long frog centered over the CD mechanism and the legs spreading out to the corners, the damping is just about perfect now.

It may look funny but the sound is beautiful and it's removable should I ever sell it.

All the best,