CD player suggestions for Krell & Vandersteen

Inquiring about cd players that would mate well with a Krell KAV-300i integrated and Vandersteen 2C's. 

I'm looking for suggestions at two price points: 

$250 or less

Can be new or used, but I'm figuring used will give more options. 


Showing 2 responses by tomcarr

@kalali- Good idea. I like Schiit products, have their Freya. Might consider one of their DACs and use the Oppo as a transport.

OP- have you purchased yet? Curious what you're going to decide on. I was using a Krell s300-I with Vandy 2Cs and an Oppo103 and the sound was definitely bright, forward and analytical. Sold the amp, still have the Vandys and the Oppo. Also wanting to find a different CDP that's a touch warmer. Have had suggestions of looking at Marantz, Cambridge, Creek and Rega. Looking forward to hearing how your system is progressing...
