CD player suggestions...

I'm in the market for a new CD player in the $600  - $800 range. Suggestions?


Showing 3 responses by moonwatcher

Just to play Devil's advocate and throw this out there...You might consider a Sony UBP-X800M2 Blu-ray Player for under $300 and use it's coaxial digital out to feed an external DAC. Many say since Oppo stopped making players, that these Sonys were among the "best" being made.  And I cannot confirm it, but one poster at Crutchfield at least claims it plays SACDs (but note that *probably* means connected to an AVR via HDMI, not through the coaxial digital output). 

+1 for the Rotel CD11 Tribute in your price range. Looks great. I was torn between that one and the Denon but went with the Denon because I found it for a good price.  Nothing wrong with a Marantz 6007 either, but the styling hasn't changed in many years, and some don't like the way the front looks. You either like it or don't. 

I picked up a Denon DCD-800ne not too long ago in your price range. It has all the features I wanted, a decent DAC, USB input (like the Marantz 6007) for mp3, FLAC, and even DSD files. I can use it as a transport later to feed a better DAC, but it sounds fine to me. It also plays CDs gaplessly which was a REQUIREMENT for me. Many CD players today are not gapless, so do your homework if that is important to you. The Emotiva and some Yamaha were NOT gapless. I heard a rumor Yamaha did a firmware upgrade that did make it gapless, but I can’t confirm that.

Cambridge Audio also makes some nice ones (but at least on paper their SNR isn’t as good as others) and NAD, but the NAD are kind of plain looking and the rounded corners might not look good in a system where everything else is sharp edges.

If you already have an external DAC you like, I see many people above are happy with the Audiolab transport. Ah, decisions...But considering CD players were getting scarce for a while, it is good to find something for less than a Jay’s Audio CDT3-mk3 price that offers great sound.

Just beware buying anything used more than about 5 years old. Lasers do age and eventually fail While I have a 30 year old Sony that is still going strong, you might not be able to say that about too many. Buying new offers a bit of insurance against failure and obsolescence and at least you’ll have a warranty for a while.