Cd player

Hi guys been building a new HI FI system and been waiting on the HI FI Rose 130, but want to light this system up! Lol Whats a really nice cd player that will not be the weak link? I am running mcintosh c2700, Power Q 707,  Mcintosh 611s & B&W 801 N all with high end cables. 

Thanks for all your input Matt 


Showing 1 response by curiousjim


I have around 2500 CD’s and my CD transport died a of years ago. I bought an Audiolab 6000CDT and my first streamer, a Bluesound Node, N130. As time went by, I found that I was using the streamer more and more and CD’s less and less. About six weeks ago I got a different preamp and when I was plugging everything back in I didn’t plug the CDT back in.