CD mats, any good ones?

Does anyone use a CD mat that actually "improves" the sound. I have used AudioPrism BlackLight, glows in the dark, mat but heard no improvement in sound. I have heard good things about Madrigo Orpheus Crossbow mat, recommended by Cable Co, rather expensive....looking for feedback and any positive experiences.....or is this just a tweakers imagination....Regards Sam

Showing 1 response by brauser

I have found through the years that some tweeks really work, some don't at all, and some trade off improvements in some areas for deficiencies in others. I have used the AudioPrism mat with mixed results. Same for the Q-151 coating oil. What seems to consistently work well is to use the Densen DeMagic first, Gruv Glide ( read CD instructions carefully) second,the TEAC head demagnetizer third, and finally the ZEROSTAT last. I have stumbled on to these products mostly by accident. The difference is far from subtle and has been immediately apparent to every audiophile friend who has heard the system. Good luck!