CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement

We are over 20 years with CD now and CD Jewel cases still use delicate hinge points. I have hard wood floors and everytime I drop a jewel case it is almost a given that one of the weak hinge points is going to break. I purchased a David Sanborn (hybrid) CD earlier this year and it had much beefier hinge points, I was hoping this was a sign of things to come, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I alone in this frustration? If not, is there a way our voice can be heard, like flooding (whomever) with emails?


Showing 1 response by edesilva

Ever since hearing about the "disconnect lower hinge, flip cover up, peel away security sticker" procedure, I no longer get angry opening CD cases. My life became much more blissful and relaxed, and I owe it all to audiogon.

Unfortunately, my problem now seems to be DVD center locks--those funny plastic thingamabobs that hold the DVD in the actual case... I believe you are supposed to press down on the center while removing the CD. Since I'm usually standing in front of my CD/DVD holding the case in one hand, performing a push in the center and pull on the outside lip with one hand invariably seems to result in bending the DVD into a U shape. I'm surprised I haven't broken one. Maybe my fingers are just too fat.