CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement

We are over 20 years with CD now and CD Jewel cases still use delicate hinge points. I have hard wood floors and everytime I drop a jewel case it is almost a given that one of the weak hinge points is going to break. I purchased a David Sanborn (hybrid) CD earlier this year and it had much beefier hinge points, I was hoping this was a sign of things to come, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I alone in this frustration? If not, is there a way our voice can be heard, like flooding (whomever) with emails?


Showing 3 responses by audiobugged

Tvad, You gently with your fingernail pry the lower jewel-case hinge of the spine. Once the lower hinge of the jewel case cover is removed the top hinge follows suite. Then you start to fold the cover over the top so that it's ready to touch the back of the jewel-case. As your performing this action gently start to to pull the two pieces apart. This removes the Cd security/artist-title sticker as a whole without cutting, or leaving any adhesive residue.

Hope this makes sense?

Unfortunately this doesn't work for the 3 security stickers on Dvd's. Cutting on the seam of the case with an Xacto knife, then peeling of 6 sections is the least aggravating time saving way.

There is the perfect Jewel case ...Xrcd and Mini-Lp jackets.

The size of DVD cases is really stupid also, there was never a need for them to be this large. And why 3 protection seals ...I dunno who the brain behind that whole marketing concept was?
Tvad, I never saw Gunbei/Dean's post so maybe it's different from what I mentioned. I learned this trick 3-5 years ago from a friend of mine who owns a record shop. We where BS'ing while he was opening a CD, my jaw almost hit the floor as I watched how easy this was to get the security label off in one piece with no sticky stuff.
Fatparrot, I couldn't find a blue flame pin-point lighter, but the local Army Surplus store just made me a sweet deal on a backpack style flame thrower. I think I have the flame fully pin-pointed and nice-n-blue. I now should be able to scortch an opening into shrink-wrap at 30 yards, and I won't have to mow the lawn for a while now either. But I blew the new cd buying budget on this new tool. So would anyone like to loan me some of their new cd's for opening?