CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
Hey tommy boy, to a lot of audiophiles it IS a religion. Where have you been? I myself am an innocent bystander in all this but I'm astute enough to recognize mania (religion) when I see it. Many or even most audio nuts will stick with whatever they like no matter what. Didn't you know that? It's still a free country but I won't knock myself out over your willful agnosticism. 
@tweak1 - Don’t let prof intimidate you. You dodged a bullet. You should thank your lucky stars. He usually responds with a whole page of philosophy.

Uuugggghhhhh!!!!! This isn’t a debate on perception, it’s a debate on the medium and associated technologies. C’mon people, it’s not about WHO is right or wrong. 
I've been burned by sellers who claim near mint condition from England and the LP is good condition, filled with pops and clicks.  The seller would refund me if I paid the freight back (which would cost me for two shipments).  They threaten to give me a negative review if I return the disc.  That's not worth it.  Also, low cost LPs under $7 with $4 shipping are not worth shipping back either.  

As to CDs, I have 30,000 vocal selections and another 25,000 other historic recordings on CD which are either not available on LP or poorly transferred to LP.  The remasterings on CD that I keep are very good to superb.  

Sometimes LPs sound better than their CD remasterings and sometimes not.  I enjoy both and do not regard the CD as inferior by nature.  Only the hottest LP stamper of a well recorded and mastered LP beats the same CD.  Unfortunately, like in Rock and Jazz, those hot stampers sell for $200 to $800 ala Better Records.  I make do with slightly less than hot stampers and often the CD version sounds superior.