CD and Network Streamers

I've ben out of the audio hobby for some time and just now getting back in. 

System - Bryston 4B ST amp, ARC LS 25 MkII preamp, Aerial Model 8 speakers.

I likely need a decent CD player but these streaming pieces sounds really interesting. The 3 to 5K price is honestly more than I'm willing to spend though as I won't lister to the system more than occasionally. Does anyone know:

1. A decent CD/ Streamer combo for $1,500 or less

2. A $1,000 Streamer seperate they'd recommend




Showing 1 response by soix

You could get an Innuos Zen Mini streamer/server that has its own CD drive and internal storage so you can simply load all your CDs into it and have access to all your music in any order you wish from your chair along with a good streamer (and no need for a separate CD player).  When funds allow you can add the Innuos linear power supply and get a meaningful increase in performance — so something else to look forward to.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.