
Heard a poster who is looking for an amp say...

I'm ok with a colored sound. Prefer musicality and realism over "accuracy" or "neutrality"


Showing 2 responses by geoffkait

The notorious Mpingo Disc is made of both Aftrican Blackwood (Mpingo) and Gabon ebony. Confusing, ain’t It? To make it even more confusing there’s something hidden inside the Mpingo disc. You can see the small circular disc of a different wood than the main body hiding what’s inside if you look carefully at a photo of a Mpingo disc. 👀 Gee, I wonder what it could be......😳

Shun Mook’s Diamond Resonators (footers) are also made of African Blackwood and are grounded with a real diamond tip. Otherwise the footers would resonate back into the component. That’s why people oft have different or bad results with these hardwood blocks and blanks. They’re resonators. And they’re directional. Hel-loo!
For someone with a lot of spare time ⏰ and money 💰 💰. It’s the Tile and Crystal Tweak! Here’s what you need. Lots of 4x4 inch ceramic tiles. Lots of Mikro Brilliant Pebbles (small crystals of various types). Lots of audio cones - preferably DH Cones, Small, Medium and Super sizes. If you’re strapped for cash use only DH Cones or if you’re really hurting for cash any cones will suffice.

Here’s how it works. You build little ceramic tripod tables with one ceramic tile supported by three cones. Here’s the tricky part: place the ceramic tile tripod wherever there’s a vibrational “node” in the room. A vibrational node can be anywhere unwanted acoustic or mechanical energy is at a peak. 🔝 E. g., top of tube trap, on floor against side wall, on top of speaker cabinet, etc. You can either guess where the peaks are in the room or measure them with a sound pressure level SPL meter. Finally, place one Mikro Brilliant Pebbles on top of the ceramic tile tripod.

It’s is practically impossible to run out of places where these little dickens will not improve the sound. For the advanced audiophile: Doubling the number of tiles and cones by constructing a DOUBLE tripod table is even better! 🤗 Start hoarding your Brilliant Pebbles and DH Cones now! As Bob Dylan says at the end of all his songs, good luck to you.
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