Cayin A100T vs Spark MT-100k

Spark audio makes Cayin. They have an integrated named MT-100K under the Spark name that seems to have the same specs as Cayin A100T. The Spark model weighs about 7 lbs more than the Cayin model. Anyone heard the MT-100K ? Curious to know the differences between the models.

Showing 1 response by mofojo

Buconero, can you tell me how to get in touch with Steve? I am actually living in Shanghai at the moment and the MT100k price is slightly higher than the A100T. I bought the Cayin but could still exchange it for a small fee if there was any advantage to the Spark model. The shop I went to does not have demo model so need to order one to hear it. Possible if it is at least the equal I will buy one and setup another system seeing that I like the A100 very much. Lots of speakers lying around with nothing hooked up to them.