Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se

Hello, I have the upgrade bug. For my next Int Amp I'm thinking about trying one of these 2, Any opinions or insights? Listening room approx. 17ft x 22ft. Speakers Paradigm Ref. studio 60 v2 (oddly enough I can't find the effeciency rating for them) I am driving them now with a Audio refinement Complete a. This amp Seems to have enough power/loudness, just not enough punch. Thanks P.S. I Listen to female vocals, Hard rock, Pop, everything but jazz and country.
Is the Cayin more analytical than the AR? Yes I would say so but its smooth in its own right. WHat is your budget?
Yes, I own Bada Purer 3.3SE and love it. I am a former owner of an Ayre K-3x pre and Aragon Palladium Mono's. I sold them for financial reasons and do not miss them at all. This integrated amp is an incredible bargain. Better sound at about 1/6 the cost. Make sure you upgrade main fuse in back with Hi-Fi fast blow fuse as this makes a big difference in performance for only about 40 dollars( you just pop it in and out of the back of the need to open it up). Wywire Juice power cord works wonders with this amp too.
Like Tuffy I also have a Bada Purer 3.3se and am very pleased. Unlike Tuffy I can't claim much experience with expensive amps. The Bada was a massive improvement for me replacing a modest Nad 325bee integrated. And I mean massive - I was really shocked at just how much better it was. It's driving some vintage 4ohm Mk1 Linn Kans, 86 Db, which are not an easy drive, they like current. These very fast, musical little monitors are sounding fabulous with the Bada (to me at least, and other friends who are more audiophile types than I also tell me they like the way it sounds). The amp has incredible dynamics, detail and excitement - I never realised just how fast the little Kans are. I love being able to try different 12au7 tubes in the preamp. I have been running Philips JAN 6189's from Cyroset - very nice balanced sound top to bottom - and have some vintage 1960's French tubes on the way, seeking a little more smoothness. The amp took a good 4 months to run in - some early top end brittleness has completely gone. It takes an hour to warm up and sound its best. With my Kans the Bada has them peaking low/mid 90 db and is probably still comfortably in its 30W class A mode. That's plenty loud enough for me and as much as the little bubba speakers will take. The amp itself its idling, I'm rarely past 11 o'clock. Like Tuffy, I think this amp is great value. It will certainly bring out the best bass your mains are capable of delivering. I've heard my kit with an expensive tube pre and a ARC VT60 all tube power amp. Better sound, certainly more controlled/refined, but the Bada wasn't disgraced and is one seventh the price, and I personally prefer the simplicity of an integrated amp. If you like a very polite even sound then it may not be for you. Hope this helps, and good luck with your choice.
Nice too see some feedback on this amp. Thanks for the replies. I'm thinking the cayin and Bada amps are probably both good choices, with the cayin being a little safer (longer track record) But the bada is tempting. Just a side note, I picked up some Clear day speaker cables (Solid siver, double shotgun) From Paul in tucson, These baby's are the real deal. Took about 10 days to burn in but now they are fabulous, Seacrest Out
Forgot to mention, My budget is a little flexible something from $1000.00 to $1500.00 would be nice.