CAV-50 and 804 Diamonds

I am demoing B&W 804 Diamonds. I have a Conrad Johnson CAV-50 and pretty sure it's not a good match. I'm having to constantly bias the tubes and unless I get it right it produces a fairly grainy sound at volume. The 804's need WPC of 50-200, while the CAV-50 produces 50 WPC I'm replacing Coincident floor standers which is a fairly efficient speaker. I really want to stick with the 804s. I guess the point is I'd like comments on match with the CAV-50 and/or what would you replace it with. Thanks

Showing 1 response by br3098

The CJ CAV-50 is a wonderful, sweet little integrated amp. As you suspect, however, it is not a good match for the B&W 804s. If you love your speakers you will need a new amp, and that probably means SS to mate well with the 804s. What kind of music do you listen to?

But before you do that I would try your CAV-50 with a pair of more efficient speakers. I would suggest something in the JM Reynauds or Triangle line, but there are lots of options. I recently heard your amp played through a pair of Tekton speakers and it was very good. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised.