Cats chasing laser pointers

I profess to myself, that I govern this avocation and keep it in check. But sometimes, it feels as if the marketing people are running the whole theater with frenetic laser pointers in a darkened room and we are simply cats chasing about the room to exhaustion.

I'm astonished at the willingness of some to fork over near a king's ransom on a thing or things with guaranteed crashing depreciation just for the thrill of it all.  

Not that I am guiltless, but have dodged substantial diminishing of capital for auditory pleasure.  I've set my limits and rationalize as others.

I've been in process for the last year of divesting myself of quality now unneeded components so that others may enjoy.  Or, perhaps I've deluded myself and am actually re-creating the whole dynamic in someone else's life; perhaps, negative unintended consequences of the do-gooder.  The quiet dealer on the corner muttering something about partying.



Showing 1 response by nonoise

Put anything on Tik Tok and you're guaranteed success beyond your wildest dreams. The long sought end goal of business was to condition the population to be blanket consumers (decades in the making). 
Why would anyone think that class, pedigree or status makes one immune to that? Audio is no exception.

All the best,