Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.


Showing 1 response by photon46

Using the lack of decline in SS payments as a reason to doubt Covid mortality figures is specious reasoning. There are multiple factors in play determining SS payments. According to the Social Security Administration's published monthly statistics, it looks like SS recipients in the broad "retired" category has increased about 1% between March 2020 and March 2021. (seemingly a more reliable metric to judge participation in SS than total $ payout.) The census bureau's birth statistics shows boomer population numbers increasing steadily from 1951 through 1963 before birth numbers start declining. If birth rates among those dying from Covid and those eligible to participate in SS (and the years they start SS payments) were equal year to year, such suspicions would have validity. However, when you factor in a rapidly increasing population of SS eligible citizens and an increase in people taking early SS/retirement because of Covid, it's not surprising that we haven't seen a decline in SS participation and payouts.