Cat jl1 monos or Cat jl2 or Red Rose model 1

May I have your advance witch would be the right amp?
My plan to buy a tube amp for my ML 326s preamp and sonus extrema. I use transparent audio cables.
I read many discussion on audiogon and on another forums and I tried to choose  3-4 type.
These are my favorites:
Cat jl1 monos , Cat JL1 signature or JL2.
Or another way the Red Rose Model1 and VTL  MB450.
Thanks for your help.

Regards Peter

Meanwhile my JL2 signature arrived.
I tried it with my ml326s but it did not make a big impression for me.
It did not sound like a "superamp".
But with  the CAT sl1 signature it came to  alive.
So Im really impressed. 
The jl2 equipped with kt 120 tubes and unfortunately slowly must to buy a new set of tubes.
If anybody has experience about tube rolling in this amp please let me know. 
6550 or kt120?
And wich brand?
I read many threads about in this theme but not exactly with jl2 signature.

Regards Petert

Hi daveyf
Not possible to listening.....
I'm in Europe and here is very difficult. There is no distributor in my country and not for sale a used  item.
Now i have a ML 336 power amp. It has enough current for extremas but I think these speakers could be fly in another dimension with C.A.T.
Would this be a great headway?

@pet525tt         I would suggest you listen, if possible, to the JL1 monos or the JL1 Signature's. Another option...the JL5 Black Path. The Extrema's need some decent current upstream, so I think any of those would work well. The ML 326 preamp will work with these amps, but it wouldn't be my first choice...can we say CAT preamp.