Cat Cables

hi all,
came across cat cables and their website. like to hear from anyone who is using their cables and have compared their cables to the other brands out there. please share your thoughts. thanks to all.
What the heck does "dark yet bright" mean? Also , htguide does NOT forbid discussion of cables other than CAT-you can find discussions containing Nordost , WireWorld , and many others. Since CAT's owner owns the forum they prefer you don't post links to other manuf. sites , that's all. He doesn't want to sponsor advertising for competitors.
If you think you can get more for less , come over to my house and A/B them.
I also tried Silvercat CAT cables (they sponsor a B&W on-line user group for the speakers from Bowers and Wilkins that among other things forbids the discussion of any cable other then CAT cables) All I can say is that if you could pay a lot more for cables inferior to CAT cables then you could easily pay a lot less and get much more. I heard nothing special from these cables in my system. Very run of the mill with a smallish sound stage, slow sounding music and underwhelming low frequencies with somewhat dark yet bright sounding highs. Very ho hum.
I tried a set of Silvercat interconnects in place of WireWorld cables and never looked back.The Silvercats really opened up the sound. Build quality is excellent. You could pay a lot more for cables inferior to the CATs , IMO.