Cary SLP98-P

Thinking about upgrading from an AES AE-3 MKII linestage.....

How does the MM phono section in the SLP-98P compare to other stand-alone, tubed phono stages? I recently picked up one of Ray Samuels' Nighthawk battery-powered phono stages, but would also like to have the option of running my TT through tubes.


Showing 1 response by roblanger

Polk432 -

Thanks for the info! If I picked up the Cary, I'd only be looking to run MM carts through it like the Clearaudio Virtuoso. The Nighthawk seems to be handling the Ortofon Rondo MC nicely so far.

I had a 10x5 mounted on my Linn/Basik at one time and found it to be a nice combo.