Cary SLP98-P

Thinking about upgrading from an AES AE-3 MKII linestage.....

How does the MM phono section in the SLP-98P compare to other stand-alone, tubed phono stages? I recently picked up one of Ray Samuels' Nighthawk battery-powered phono stages, but would also like to have the option of running my TT through tubes.


Showing 1 response by polk432

I have the SLP98P. You need a minimum of 1.4mv if you are trying to use a MC Cart. My cart is a Dynavector 10/5 MC mounted to a Linn Ittok II tonearm. I works very nicely. You already have a tube phono stage, so no use in spending money on anything else. BTW the 98P is mated to the CAD 120s amp. I had the Nagaoaka MP 11 MM and the Linn K18 II MM, and they seemed to work fine also. Good luck, and enjoy that Cary.