Cary SLI-80 Tube amp suddenly blowing fuses

Very strange problem. Everything works and plays fine, however, the past 2 days I have blown the ac fuse (3 amp slow blow 250v) twice now! The bizarre thing is that it only blows when the Cary is in a resting state ~ for an hour or two. When I am playing music, everything is fine! Strange. Could it be random power line surges? Do you think it is a deeper problem within the 6 month old Cary? Should I swap out the power cord?



Showing 1 response by jfiluk

Ok I just rechecked the BIAS. I had it set to 175mV instead of 75mV. Heh heh. Hope I didnt wear down the new tubes too much.

Could that have been the problem? Keep in mind it was the AC fuse that blew, not the tube fuse.

