Cary SLI-80 Thoughts?

I am currently strongly considering the Cary SLI-80 integrated tube amp because I love the sound of tubes and have heard so many great things about CARY amps. This one also fits my budget on the second hand market (around $2000-2500). My question is, are there better options for this size amp in my price range that I should consider? I could stretch my budget a bit if there were considerably better options. I am driving a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30s and listen mostly to an analog source, but also have tons of CDs so I still listen to those as well. I currently have a cheap Chinese tube amp that sounds great but lacks some features I want. I would also like to have a higher grade amp to enjoy a higher level of sound quality, of course. I should not fail to mention the look of this amp is dead sexy. Have also considered Primaluna but since the Cary amps are U.S. made I feel a bit more confident in getting support, which I know I will need with owning tubes. Thanks for your opinions.

Showing 1 response by juggernaut850

I also have and love this amp (with treasure tubes). Highly recommended.

Not meaning to high jack this thread, can any recommend what an upgrade from this amp would be in terms of a new unit or separates? I am starting to day dream a bit about the "next level" .....