Cary sla70 Mod to triode

Wondering if anyone has had this done by CARY or done it on your own? Cary wants about $550 to upgrade the amp to run in triode and im curious how much power loss there typically is running in triode versus stock?

Showing 2 responses by ckorody

I had it done by Cary - bought a SLA70 second hand on AGon, sent it to Dennis sight unseen and had them go nuts. Mods include WBT binding posts, Jensen Oil Caps, Kimber input wire, copper B+ wire set, Bias jack, 100K bias pot, triode/ultralinear switch. About $575 all in.

I use it in triode, and have done some rolling ending up with Tungsol 6550's, new Mullard GZ37s and currently Sylvania JAN 229s. Sound is lovely, lots of detail and air. I have Silverline Sonatina Mk I's, so no overwhelming bass though what there is, is solid. The Silverlines are about 90db efficient so there is more gain then I need in this room.

Here's my take. If you also have to buy the SLA70, you should probably think it through since you will be in AES/Rocket country when you are done. If you already have the SLA70 then its a nice upgrade.

I don't remember how much is lost - I think about 10w/chnl.
Can't say - I never heard them before the mods.

I do think that the tubes and some of the tweaks changed the sound as much as anything. I don't feel that the overall sound is particularly soft though it is obviously tubey. I too have noticed that the soundstage is not the most awesome in the world but I chalked that up to placement - may have to rethink that.