Cary Cinema 8 vs. Krell Showcase vs. TagMclaren AV

Can anyone help me figure out the comparison between these the processors? My dad is a big fan of Cary amps, but there is nowhere close for me to listen to their processor. I've found a pretty good deal on a Krell Showcase, and a good deal on the Tag Mclaren AV32R. I'm particularly interested in opinions on the Cary and Tag, because there a ton of comments already here on the Showcase.

Thanks in advance!
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Showing 1 response by lowrider

Dont know the Cary, had a TAG for a couple of years, it is good, but after upgrading to the new TAG Dual Processor, couldnt live with it anymore...

Now have a Showcase, comparing with TAG DP, it is better with anything other than classic music, where TAG´s politeness has an edge over Krell´s forwardness and presence, the Krell sounds better at low volumes, but TAG´s TMREQ is more powerfull if you have a problem room...