Cary Audio DAC 200 ts Opinions


Does anyone have any experience with the Cary Audio DAC 200 ts in comparison to other $4k DAC's?

Have read the online reviews on Audiostream, Enjoy The Music and 10Audio but would like to hear from real life users here.

Initially, I was leaning towards the Schiit Yggradsil as my current DAC's are both R2R or multibit.

This one uses AKM AK4490EQ chips. 


Showing 1 response by georgehifi

If you just play Redbook the Schitt is the way to go, as it will convert redbook (pcm) "bit perfect".

But if you want to play dsd then the only answer is the Cary, and you'll take a bit of a hit doing redbook (pcm).

Cheers George