Cary Audio DAC 200 ts Opinions


Does anyone have any experience with the Cary Audio DAC 200 ts in comparison to other $4k DAC's?

Have read the online reviews on Audiostream, Enjoy The Music and 10Audio but would like to hear from real life users here.

Initially, I was leaning towards the Schiit Yggradsil as my current DAC's are both R2R or multibit.

This one uses AKM AK4490EQ chips. 


Showing 1 response by carbonfiber

I really enjoy it. I use it with an Auralic Altair as the streamer. I  tried it because of the tube output. I’ve always hard a hard time with DACs. They sold plasticky or candy coated. So I’ve always resorted to tube CD players for satisfaction. Audionote, BAT, lector, blue note. In this DAC I actually prefer the non-tube output. It makes music the way I like it.