Cartridges: Kuzma CAR or Lyra on a 4-Point (11") arm

Hi there,
I have a Kuzma Stabi-M and 4-Point (11") first generation arm, and a CAR-40.
Used to own a Lyra Delos before upgrading to the CAR, and found that the CAR-40 has a more "grounded sound" while Lyra has a more "nimble & lithe" sound.  The CAR is a sturdier cartridge, as the Delos suspension did not last as long.  The Delos is still sitting in a drawer.

Looking to upgrade my 7 year old CAR-40 now.  New cartridge will be fitted on the said arm and turntable.
Considering CAR-50 and Lyra Etna Lambda.

What are your views and comments?  Thank you for your advice.


Showing 1 response by jcarr

Hi @hamburger : Most likely the Delos suspension is still intact, but has stretched a bit and needs a readjustment to bring the ride height back to what it should be.

If you would like us to take a look at your Delos and readjust it if necessary, please return it to us (Lyra) via the dealer that you purchased it from. As long as there is no physical damage requiring component replacements or other serious issues, chances are that we will be able to perform the work gratis.

FWIW, a major cause of stretched suspensions is a tonearm lift that lowers the cartridge onto the LP too quickly - the repeated impacts over time will take a toll on the suspension wire and dampers, which will gradually degrade the cartridge performance. If there is a way to slow down the descent rate of the tonearm lift, all of your cartridges will likely thank you for it.

kind regards, jcarr