
Is it better to upgrade to an ultra premium cartridge or to buy the premium records such as hot stampers and the like?


Showing 3 responses by terry9

And I wouldn't spend on premium records until I was getting the most from what I already had. @whart has published the Bible on record cleaning - that's good use of money too.

By the way, @hotei , one inspects the cork to (1) know that the wine you are being served is the wine you are paying for, (2) to get a slight whiff of an unpleasant smell instead of a snoot-full (if it’s off), and (3) to anticipate the experience of drinking a fine wine.

In any case, it was a reasonable response to provocation. IMO

Hysteve, I once bought a cartridge that was too good for the tonearm and too good for the table, against expert advice. It was a mistake. Table matters most, because every bit of bearing noise and motor noise gets transmitted into the cartridge. The tonearm is next; it's what holds the cartridge rigidly at the correct angles, and if anything is off, the cartridge will not sound its best. And then the cartridge wore out, probably prematurely.

Next time around I did it right. My Koetsu responds to small adjustments - rarely requiring more than 7 minutes of arc. If your tonearm won’t do that, it doesn’t deserve a first class cartridge. IMO

Cleaning, especially ultra-sonic cleaning, is a very good use of money. With my US set-up, I get an improvement about equal to upgrading a major component. In addition, a photomicrograph at 1000 hours showed minimal wear of my stylus - instead of half worn out - so the US set-up  has already paid for itself.