Cartridge suggestions

Hi. Helping a friend find a new cartridge for his Pro-ject TT. He has a 2Experience with 9" EVO carbon arm. Listens to mostly jazz/acoustic music. Phono stage is an EAR834P clone. Speakers are Spendor BC1's. Ideally a neutral and articulate cartridge as if anything too laid back might end up making the whole system a bit too mushy. As the phono stage only has MM capabilities, LO MC cartridge isn't an option. So, HO MC, or MM/MI options please. Looking to keep this under 500 and used isn't really an option. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by cleeds


Using advanced stylus shapes with more contact surface in the grooves makes cleaning even more important. Clean Stylus is important. People who experience lots of disruptive static most often lack the proper cleaning skills. I recently improved my cleaning skills, and am enjoying my used LPs with SAS tip essentially static free.
It’s a lot easier to keep a stylus clean if it only plays clean records. That’s where LP playback cleanliness starts, imo.
I like Shure brushes ...Damped to steady LP irregularities, anti-static, and gathers small particles before the stylus gets to the grooves.
It sounds like you’re playing dirty records.
Jico wrote me that their replacement brushes are NOT damped, just a brush, so the upward force is different, a bit of guess work involved.
Guesswork isn’t likely to yield proper phono cartridge setup.
I wouldn’t use a phono cartridge that relied on a brush but if I did, I’d measure its effect with a proper VTF scale.