Cartridge Suggestions

I'm thinking about replacing my AT OC9 and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? My arm is an Audioquest PT6 going through a Project Tube Box. Among the contenders are:

Audio Technica 150MLX
Ortofon 2M Black
Dynavector 20X.

I listen mostly to Jazz. The quality I liked the most in the OC9 was its smooth refinement. Any thoughts, or other suggestions in that price range?
You might want to go to Audioasylum and check out a mini review/comparison of the Ortofon 2M Black a friend of mine did.

Go to "Inmate Systems" then type in "joeljoel1947" in the "Find Inmate" box. Click joeljoel1947 and it'll take you to his page. You can check out his system then hit "Posts." Scroll down to post #63. That should give you a bit of an idea of what to expect in your general price range.

Joel's a good friend of mine and I've heard his system many times. Great sound and I know the guy can hear if you know what I mean.

Good Luck
From personal experience I recommend the Benz Ace S. Comes in three different outputs from Low,Medium and High output configuration. Killer sound for the money and works very well with the AQ arm you have. Benz is great for jazz listening.
G'day mate, don't laugh but my beloved Shure M97xE excels at Jazz. That's my recommendation. Regards, Fap.