Cartridge Set Up Essentials

Just wondering what kit you consider "essential" for proper cartridge alignment for any/all turntables. What should every audiophile have on hand to be able to optimize cartridge set up regardless of turntable brand? For each piece of kit please comment on ease of use and consistency of results. For example, I purchased a MINT Tractor many years ago to use with my VPI Scout and found it very difficult to use--lots of eye strain and uncertain outcomes. Let's hear it!

Showing 1 response by pops

Good suggestions above and most of all patience, plenty of time and no distractions.  The more you do it the better you get.

Fremer's video is good.  The late A.J. Conti provides a setup video with his tonearms that is very informative.  His theories can be applied to tonearm/cartridge setup in general.