Cartridge replacment time

Hi All I have been using a Grado Prestige gold for many years now. I run it through a SME 3009 non detach/ThorensTD 125 MK II/Lounge LCR mk II/Manley Stingray/Usher 6371's .  I should consider and thing other then a new Prestige Gold  for my set up? Looking for $500.00 or under. Thanks  Mike

Showing 2 responses by helomech

IMO, it’s impossible to beat the Shure M97xe and Jico SAS combo for a MM in that price range. It's not an ideal compliance match for your arm, but if the Grado worked, so the Shure surely will (pun intended).

Those Glanz cartridges certainly look impressive but I'd question the condition of the suspension material after "decades" of storage. I'd probably be willing to take a gamble if he were asking $200.