Cartridge recommendations for Thorens BTD 12s arm???

Hi all, I have recently acquired a Thorens TD 135 with a BTD 12s arm. I currently am using a Denon 103 on it of which  there is much written about the synergy between this cart and arm and I completely  agree. As with many of us ,I am happy ,but always looking towards the next move! Being that the arm is of the medium to heavy variety and it seems that a low compliance cart with some weight is required. I had thought of a lower end Koetsu as the compliance is 5 same as the Denon, but would love to hear what some more experienced folks have to say . Yay or Nay on the Koetsu on this arm or other carts that people have used.

Thanks, Jed


@solypsa Thanks ,the Decca's were on my radar, but would kinda like to hear one first. Also wondered about possibilities when one would have to retip on those.

@jalmusic ,

Not the Bloom, but i have heard it many times, i find it a real gem.

Currently i am using a 4D Ultimate, and before that a Yatra II.


@petg60  With SPU cartridges,how would I use it with my arm as the Thorens BTD12s has a unique pin plug designed before the "universal" mount?

I believe with a Naked SPU, but I suppose you would need the adaptor also.