Cartridge reccomdations?


ill be in the market for a cartridge upgrade by the end of summer so I'm looking for input. My tastes lean toward indie music such as Daughter, Belle and Sebastian, Cinerama, et cetera. I have a shelter 501 III and it's fantastic but if I can get better, I want to.  I've read that the Lyra Delos is a good cartridge for me. Any suggestions?


Showing 1 response by terry9

Masterplan, I suspect that you would get far more bang for the buck by improving record cleaning first. Going from VPI 16.5 record cleaning to ultrasound was a bigger difference, for me, than going from high end MM to higher end Koetsu.

The added advantage of record cleaning is that you are likely to increase stylus life, because the grunge in the record groove tends to contain diamond dust. Or so I have read. YMMV
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