Dear Doug: I can remember that I try the Fluxbuster on my
Astrion and I don't hear any changes.
You can try in your XLM and " see " what happen. I have no experience with the Cardas record and I don't know if it is for MC and MM cartridges. I tell you this because in the Fluxbuster when you use it with and MM/MI cartridges you have to do it with out the cantilever/stylus mechanism.
Regards and always enjoy the music.
Astrion and I don't hear any changes.
You can try in your XLM and " see " what happen. I have no experience with the Cardas record and I don't know if it is for MC and MM cartridges. I tell you this because in the Fluxbuster when you use it with and MM/MI cartridges you have to do it with out the cantilever/stylus mechanism.
Regards and always enjoy the music.