Cartridge question

I have a Yamaha YP D6 Turntable .

I have 3 cartridges. Which should I choose?

Shure M75CS  or 

ADC ( no model #)  or 

Stanton 500 V3

Opinions please.


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Viridian :  Gyger makes the Replicant 100 for Ortofon and in its site you can read the Replicant 100 specs and use a radius of 100, that's why the name Replicant 100.

Giger makes other model ( s) with bigguer radius. Here you can read the overall information about coming from an expert retipper:



Dear @viridian : You are just rigth: VTF and stylus shape are different concepts.


Several years ago Ortofon left very clear why they suddenly and especially in its MC models changed to way higher VTF that in the past because the MC audiophiles made and ask if that heavier VTF makes higher damage ( than normal VTF ) to the grooves or to the stylus tip and Ortonfon answer was NO and made the overall explanation.

Ortofon MC Diamond and Verissimo, both its top of the line, runs at 2.5gr.-2.8grs. VTF with Replicant stylus tip.


So it’s whith out sense or stupid to think about that " wear " on the grooves due to those two different concepts.



Dear @rocky1313  : You own a TT and 3 cartridges, so thwe first step to your question no one but you already have it:


listen to each one of those cartridges looking for the " best " overall quality level performance that goes with your MUSIC priotity levels. It's your room/system and no one here or elsewhere knows nothing about but additional and at the end it's you who must live with that room/system quality levels.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
